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6 Ways to Help Striking Group Home Workers

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On May 24, over 1,700 group home and day program caregivers went out on strike for a living wage, affordable healthcare, and a pension.

But they can't win this strike alone.

These workers, who are members of SEIU District 1199NE, are holding strike lines every day at nine different locations until they get a fair contract.

Here are 6 ways you can support the striking workers and help them win a living wage.

1. Join the workers on the strike line! The strike lines will run every day from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The strike line in Hartford is the priority if you're able to make it there.

  • Andover: 23 Route 6
  • Dayville: 60A Hartford Pike
  • Hartford: 210 Capitol Ave – **PRIORITY STRIKE LINE**
  • Norwich: 554 West Thames Street

2. Adopt a strike line! If your union has density near any of the strike lines listed above, please consider adopting a strike line. That could mean your union commits to regular turnout on the line, running food drives for the workers, donating water, food and other supplies, and/or anything else your union is able to do to help the strikers. If you're able to adopt a line, please reach out to our office at to coordinate.

3. Call your legislators and call the Governor’s office! Let them know that strikers deserve a living wage, affordable healthcare and a pension to provide care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Gov. Lamont’s office number is 860-566-4840.

4. Sign the petition!Click here to sign the workers' petition and share it on social media.

5. Make a contribution to the strike fund! You can either click here to make an online donation or you can make a check out to "1199 Strike & Defense Fund" at 77 Huyshope Ave, Hartford, CT 06106.

6. Donate water, snacks & other food! Nonperishable staples like rice, pasta, cereals and canned goods will be distributed to strikers so they can feed their families during this difficult struggle. Call 1199's office at 860-549-1199 to arrange a drop-off time to deliver your donation.