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AFL-CIO Summary of Anti-Worker GOP Budget

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While most of the state was sleeping in the early morning hours on Saturday, Sept. 16, the Republicans with the help of a few Democrats, passed an anti-worker budget that attacks collective bargaining, attacks the wages of construction workers, guts our clean election program, and raises taxes on the working poor.

The Governor has issued a statement declaring his intent to veto but corporate lobbyists and their supporters see an opening, and they’re pushing Malloy to sign this devastating budget.


What’s so awful about this budget?

  • Attacks collective bargaining rights: eliminates freedom for state workers to negotiate health care and retirement security, and makes significant changes to municipal collective bargaining;
  • Guts our clean elections program: by gutting the program created after the Rowland scandal, this budget opens up the floodgates for dark money in our elections;
  • Raises thresholds on prevailing wage projects: this will effectively lower the wages for thousands of hard-working construction workers;
  • Increases taxes on the working poor: by drastically cutting the earned income tax credit, the working poor will have to pay $75 million more in taxes while the wealthiest 1% don’t pay a penny more;
  • Axes the budget for UConn: the state’s premier public university gets axed over $300 million over the biennium which will result in devastating cuts to the school and increased tuition;
  • It’s completely unbalanced: per the nonpartisan fiscal office, the budget creates huge deficits over $6 billion from 2020-2022;
  • And so much more: cuts jobs programs at the DOL, cuts health programs, eliminates the Jobs Funnels Project, excludes funding to prevent Hartford bankruptcy, and more.


TAKE ACTION: Urge Gov. Malloy to veto this anti-worker budget

And click here to read labor’s unified response to the devastating anti-worker budget immediately after it passed the state senate.