Workers joined a union. CEO illegally fired them.

In late April, twelve workers at FuelCell Energy who were tired of wage disparities and not having a voice on the job, voted to form a union and joined the Operating Engineers.
Over the next two weeks, however, two workers who had no prior disciplinary issues were illegally fired and another was pressured to resign.
This was retaliation, pure and simple.
On Saturday, June 11, FuelCell CEO Jason Few will be at the Shubert Theatre in New Haven to deliver a TED Talk. We’ll be there to greet him and let him know that you can’t fire workers for supporting a union.
Join with the workers at FuelCell on Saturday as they call for the immediate reinstatement of the terminated workers and to begin bargaining a contract in good faith.
Action: Rally with workers at FuelCell for a fair contract & to reinstate illegally fired workers
Date/Time: Saturday, June 11 at 11:30 a.m.
Location: Shubert Theatre, 247 College St, New Haven, CT 06510
RSVP:Click here to let us know you're coming
Because of the CEO’s actions, he created a 25% reduction in staffing, potentially giving rise to safety issues at the fuel cells that these workers monitor and maintain.
The workers at FuelCell initially contacted the Operating Engineers when they realized their pay was far below the industry standard while management was enjoying large raises. In 2020, when upper management received raises in excess of 70%, rank-and-file workers received minimal raises or none at all.
Even worse, CEO Jason Few was paid approximately $3.5 million – an increase of over 300% from the prior year.
So they did what workers at Amazon, Starbucks, and workplaces all over the country did when workers are disrespected and feel like they have no voice on the job. They joined together in union.
We must now stand up with them and tell their CEO you can’t fire workers for joining a union. And he must bargain a fair contract with these workers.