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Labor Responds to Lamont Veto of Legislation to Aid Striking Workers

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The Connecticut AFL-CIO and Connecticut State Council of Machinists made the following statements in response to the veto of House Bill 5431 which would have provided support to striking workers:

Ed Hawthorne, President of the Connecticut AFL-CIO:

Gov. Lamont has failed to hear the voices of thousands of working people who urged him to stand with striking workers. 

The Governor had a choice – stand with corporate CEOs or stand with working people. Unfortunately, he chose corporate CEOs.

This legislation would have given countless private sector workers a fair shot to negotiate a living wage and affordable benefits.

Similar laws have been on the books in New York and New Jersey for years. Those laws have not made it more likely for workers to go on strike or stay out longer. It has simply helped working people put food on the table and pay their rent. In fact, nine other states are looking to pass similar legislation.

We will not give up on our members and will continue to work with the Governor to find ways to support striking workers.

Despite the Governor’s veto, we are incredibly grateful to House Speaker Ritter, Senate President Looney, House Majority Leader Rojas, Senate Majority Leader Duff, and all the legislators who stood with working people and helped pass this critical legislation.

Patrick Buzzee, President of the Connecticut State Council of Machinists:

The over 10,000 active and retired members of the Connecticut State Council of Machinists are very disappointed that Gov. Lamont vetoed this Legislation after being pressured by corporate executives, even though he has supported workers many times in the past.

Just like they do at the bargaining table, corporations made threats and leveraged their resources to try to get their way. As a union who has seen this playbook before, we know how to stand up for working people facing off with a multi-billion-dollar company. 

This isn’t the end, though. Our members worked tirelessly to get this legislation passed and we will continue to fight for our members and all working people across Connecticut.

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