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Rally to Support a VETO of the Anti-Worker Budget

September 21, 2017
12:00PM - 2:00PM
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By now, everyone has heard about the devastating anti-worker budget that passed the legislature in the early morning hours last weekend. Many of you have emailed and called the Governor to let him know you support his promise to veto.

Now it's time to take to the streets.

Join workers, faith leaders, students, and clean government advocates on Thursday, Sept. 21, at 12:00 p.m. in Hartford for a rally to support Governor Malloy’s promise to veto the anti-worker budget.

Rally to Support Veto of Anti-Worker Budget
Thursday, Sept. 21
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
State Capitol (map)
RSVP on Facebook

Here's a recap of what's so awful about the GOP anti-worker budget:

  • Attacks collective bargaining rights: eliminates freedom for state workers to negotiate health care and retirement security, and makes significant changes to municipal collective bargaining;
  • Guts our clean elections program: by gutting the program created after the Rowland scandal, this budget opens up the floodgates for dark money in our elections;
  • Raises thresholds on prevailing wage projects: this will effectively lower the wages for thousands of hard-working construction workers;
  • Increases taxes on the working poor: by drastically cutting the earned income tax credit, the working poor will have to pay $75 million more in taxes while the wealthiest 1% don’t pay a penny more;
  • Axes the budget for UConn: the state’s premier public university gets axed over $300 million over the biennium which will result in devastating cuts to the school and increased tuition;
  • It’s completely unbalanced: per the nonpartisan fiscal office, the budget creates huge deficits over $6 billion from 2020-2022;
  • And so much more: cuts jobs programs at the DOL, cuts health programs, eliminates the Jobs Funnels Project, excludes funding to prevent Hartford bankruptcy, and more.

For a full budget summary and how it affects different workers, please click here.